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Hiking Safely on the Olympic Peninsula

We offer advice on how to hike safely on the Olympic Peninsula and in Olympic National Park by discussing tidepooling safely and dangers posed by stinging insects like wasps and

3 Day 2 Night Tour Packages

In addition to our flexible scheduled private day tours, We are also offering very small group scheduled guided tour packages focusing on wildflowers, birds, and tidepools.

Swallowtail Butterfly Explosion

2023 was a good year for all three species of swallowtail butterfly on the Olympic Peninsula. The Pale Swallowtail is the one photographed on a cedar branch.

RIP Hurricane Ridge Day Lodge

The Hurricane Ridge Day Lodge burned down on May 7, 2023, limiting access and natural interpretation of subalpine ecology at Hurricane Ridge.

Fairy Barf Lichen, Hoh Rainforest

A common name for this pale green with pink poka dot lichen (Icmadophila ericetorum) is Fairy Barf. Can you imagine Tinkerbell with an upset stomach?